Thursday, November 29, 2007

Is art in general like a mirror that reflects society's flawed nature?

In act 3 scene 2 hamlet is talking to the players about how they should perform his play. He states that it should be presented true and no other way. I believe that art is how we perceive what our ideal utopia would be like. For example the fairy tales when everything ends happily ever after. But according to hamlet art is the reflection of society and society as a whole needs to look at them and grow from what they have learned. In the play Hamlet is using the players to shed light on what is false so that society can receive truth. In doing this people will know how his father died and how guilty the killer is. This in fact will cause truth to be established and Claudius will be revealed, this I believe is his perfect world.

1 comment:

Mj said...

well done. you are a romantic... according to your thoughts regarding art...