Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hyperreality and how its affects love

Hyper reality affects the American lives of today and relationships with the use of the imagination. Jean Baudrillard explains hyper reality as "The simulation of something which never really existed". This can be shown through video games where you become who you make yourself such as you could be a millionaire online but in reality have a job at a fast food restaurant yet still get the stimulation of being a millionaire. Now this endangers reality because if you bring the mentality that your a millionaire over to what is real and buy everything you want your eventually going to have a huge debt when you start to spend more than what exists in real life. This endangers relationships because you may have friends who like you for your stuff or people are going to start thinking your someone your not. Garry Crystal says that "Hyperreality can also take the form of reality by proxy, in which a person takes someone else's version of reality on board as his or her own. Some people who watch soap operas for a long time develop a view of interpersonal relationships that is determined by the writers of the soap. The extreme dramatic relationships in soaps are a heightened form of reality that some people relate to as being real. Such people begin to judge social relationships and situations by this heightened reality. They can no longer see the reality of a social situation without relating it to the soap". This affects our relationships today because we see a star doing something so we feel we must have that same relationship we see. This effects our relationships now because if our relationship isn't lining up with what we see, we automatically think hey our relationship isn't like that so we see no reason to carry on that relationship and/or theres no hope if our relationship isn't like that. Overall hyper reality lets us replace our world with what are imagination thinks should be happening. This all goes to show that ideas have consequences and these consequences are only getting worse and worse.

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