Monday, March 10, 2008

its a what?

Ok for this assignment im suppose to deconstruct something down to a thing with an unsuspecting victim. hehe my parents are the perfect victims. i knew this was going to be hard for my mom to understand so i quickly plot how im going to do this, strategies are the best ways to win anyways. I quickly remember stories i heard of when my brother was little how he thought everything was bahggg or some noise that sounded like that. Hmm i wonder if my brother was a postmodernist already at that age or it was his lack of skill with the vocal cords. I prefer to use the second one. So i sat next to my mom and told her to pass the bahgg and she stared with that utter confusion look that i am use to. Im quick to answer her look with did you know that bahgg because in reality popcorn is just a name given to that. So my mom says no its popcorn, and i reply what is popcorn for, she says eating, i say what is eating, eating is a thing we do, yes my strategy is working, so i said what is bahgg, she says its a thing that your brother said. So i explain how bahgg can be popcorn and ultimately its just a new name i have given it for no reason. After i let her know its for an assignment it all seemed to make sense now.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

is there distance?

Should there be distance between the story and the storyteller?
There should be a distance between the story and the storyteller unless the storyteller is the one who writes the story. Writers should only write about things they believe in or things they disbelieve in and make parodys of it to but the frowny face upon it. This is important because it shows what you believe in is what you say or try and spread out among people. I could read Hitlers writtings and still nto believe in it and anyone else can read and not believe in it, because only i can say what i believe in or disbelieve in and others can't put words there for me. This is why i think that storytellers should be seperated from there reading.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Darkness always has a hand in the play

Darkness is apart of This womans life. She knows she needs to get rid of it but she doesn't want to. Every time the night comes out she goes into a loss state of mind where the world around her goes crazy but nothing is every wrong with her. Everything else has something wrong with her and the night hides what is wrong. Also night is used as if it happens over and over again and she is never prepared to face the next night or she doesn't wish to face the next day, this is shown when she hangs onto the ragged holes they leave behind at the end of darkness. THis shows that she enjoys the darkness or that the next day has started and she refuses to go on another day.

Why is Adolesence 2 Postmodern?

In Rita Dove's Adolescence-II post modernism is shown in several ways. Hyper reality is shown with the seal men, it is never stated that these men are never physically there. This would show hyper-reality because to her they would be real but to the rest of the world they would not exist. Another postmodern part of this poem is how the men Chuckle and then pat there sleek bodies. This shows how the men are celebrating disorder that they have cause with this lady. This part gives me the idea that the lady has problems with her physical appearance because she seems to be sick or hallucinating which can be a sign of her not eating and trying to slim down and the seal men represent society judging how she looks.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Is our reality real, or is everything broken down into all the same things. The Snowman in Margaret Atwood's "Toast" says, "What is flour?" and so on, thus in our class discussion everything was a thing. This i found interesting because we've all been told toast is just toast no questions asked, and from there we pass on the word toast to the next generation. So this means that life is just a continuation of what the previous generation has left for us.Later Margaret's snowman says "Toast can not be explained by any rational means." This shows us that reality can not be explain after all and we have our attempts at trying to explain it but no interpretation can go deep into meaning otherwise it all ends up the same. The fact that one word can mean many different things today such as the word arrow can have three meanings shows us that our language can not accurately depict everything apart from everything else yet alone be effective so that everything has its own name. So overall language is something that we use to communicate and ideal image across but nothing exact.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Im a victim

Hyperreality has effected me in many ways, even since i was a youngin. "Hyperreality is exploited in advertising for almost everything. Advertising uses a fake world to define in each person a character that he or she wishes to be. Advertising sells the public an image in the hope that they will buy into their version of a lifestyle that they ultimately desire.Buy the most expensive jeans as worn or designed by your favorite celebrity". I was effected this way when i was young, i saw batman wear a cap so i thought if i wore a cap i thought i would become the ultra cool batman that i admired. This shows that the young mind is easily effected by a hyper reality just as much as a adult. Jim Gaffigin says that "When your single all you see are couples". this is a hyperreality that high schoolers fall into, they see everyone around them dating and they feel there life's should be the same. This effects many life's today because you start to question why your life isn't this way, and i believe you start to undervalue your own life and you feel left out from the world. Over all we feel we need the hyper reality to feel connected to the world today.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hyperreality and how its affects love

Hyper reality affects the American lives of today and relationships with the use of the imagination. Jean Baudrillard explains hyper reality as "The simulation of something which never really existed". This can be shown through video games where you become who you make yourself such as you could be a millionaire online but in reality have a job at a fast food restaurant yet still get the stimulation of being a millionaire. Now this endangers reality because if you bring the mentality that your a millionaire over to what is real and buy everything you want your eventually going to have a huge debt when you start to spend more than what exists in real life. This endangers relationships because you may have friends who like you for your stuff or people are going to start thinking your someone your not. Garry Crystal says that "Hyperreality can also take the form of reality by proxy, in which a person takes someone else's version of reality on board as his or her own. Some people who watch soap operas for a long time develop a view of interpersonal relationships that is determined by the writers of the soap. The extreme dramatic relationships in soaps are a heightened form of reality that some people relate to as being real. Such people begin to judge social relationships and situations by this heightened reality. They can no longer see the reality of a social situation without relating it to the soap". This affects our relationships today because we see a star doing something so we feel we must have that same relationship we see. This effects our relationships now because if our relationship isn't lining up with what we see, we automatically think hey our relationship isn't like that so we see no reason to carry on that relationship and/or theres no hope if our relationship isn't like that. Overall hyper reality lets us replace our world with what are imagination thinks should be happening. This all goes to show that ideas have consequences and these consequences are only getting worse and worse.