Monday, December 10, 2007

anti structure? or experiment?

In the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock he places lines to release himself from the structure of the rest of his poem. He simply experimenting and experiencing freedom and once he tastes it he goes back. Such as those who go out side and soon after tastes the cold and retreat to warmth. This is exactly like his structure he gets out from his comfort zone and then soon retreats back. He follows this pattern throughout his life and soon after he dies.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

what does Ophelia mean?

In act four, scene five, Ophelia is speaking to King Claudius when she utters the phrase "Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be." (43). I believe this statement says that we know where alive but what is our purpose now. Now she can be compared to hamlet directly because in line 24 act5 she says to Girtrude "how should i your true love know from one another?". This can obviously be compared to Hamlets love for his mother and currently her father has died and that another similarity she has to Hamlet. So over all I believe shes saying i know whats happened but i don't know whats to come.

Monday, December 3, 2007

movie or the play?

I perfer the play because im more a visual person and I can tell whats going on better and adds a better mood to the play, unlike our reading in class not that we don't use emotion when reading or anything right?
But i do not believe that the author does not capture all the aspects of the film. But he does portray the over hearing part well but in unnecessary areas such as when Hamlet encounters Ophelia and nearly scares her half to death. Because in the book it states that Ophelia is talking to the queen and king about what hamlet did. Plus im a fan of watching a movie that is word for word from the book but yet it can be hard to interpreting what is happening at times or where scenes take place